The Top 3 Accessories For Your Automatic Fence Gate

Automatic fence gates are a popular choice for homeowners. They can make entering your property a breeze and put an end to grappling with heavy gates during inclement weather. They will also make your home far more secure and allow you to control who enters your property. There are many accessories available on the market for your automatic gates, but here are the top three that you'll need to get the most out of your automatic gates.

1. Safety beams

Safety beams are the accessory that will ensure that the gate won't shut while your car is still entering the driveway. Without these, your car and gate could both be damaged in the instance that your car stalls part way through entering the gate or stops for any other reason.

Two motion sensors are installed on either side of the gate. They communicate with each other via infrared beams. If this beam is interrupted because your car is in the way, the gate will go into an automatic reversal of the automated shutting cycle and re-open the gate until the car is successfully removed.

2. Video entry phones

Video entry phones allow you to visually ascertain who it is that wants to enter your property before you grant them access. This is not only high tech and very cool, but it also increases the security of your property immensely.

Standard video entry phones will normally connect to a monitor in your home. Some new systems will also connect to your tablet or smart phone. This means that you can operate your automatic gate, visually identify visitors and grant access from anywhere in your home. Depending on the system, you may even be able to do all these things remotely, which is excellent if you're not home but need to let guests or contractors into your property.

3. Key locks

New technology is amazing until it stops working. As with any automated system, especially one using wireless technology or relying on an internet connection, things can sometimes go wrong. That's why it's important to be able to manually operate your gate as well.

Having a traditional key lock fitted is a good idea. This means that if there is a power outage or a malfunction with any of the operating systems for your automatic gate, then you will still be able to enter and exit your property, and you can maintain the security of your property by physically locking the gate.

There are many other accessories available for your automatic gate which you might also like to consider. However, these are the three that you really can't do without.

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Tips For Organising Your Child's Room

Kids aren't known for their love of tidying their toys away, and my kids are no different. I used to struggle to keep their toys and clothes organised without limiting their ability to play and enjoy their bedroom, but not being able to find anything is no fun for them or me. I changed the layout of their room and started building a short organising routine into my weekly schedule. I started this blog to share what's worked for my family, and I post about a range of topics, such as making use of dead space, paring down toys, safe storage solutions and managing the influx of holiday and birthday gifts. I hope you find this blog useful and enjoyable.




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